What can be done if…

We've answered some of the most common questions patients ask us.
If you don’t find the answers to your questions, or you have new questions, please let us know.
What can be done if I have stained or discolored teeth?
If you have stained or discolored teeth, but otherwise are happy with your smile the way it is, all you may need are whitening procedures to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
Current whitening techniques have proven safe and effective. The results are dramatic in many cases. A popular tooth whitening method is an at-home process where soft plastic molds are custom manufactured from models of your upper and lower teeth. The molds, which fit snugly against your teeth, are lined with small amounts of a tooth whitening agent, then worn for several hours during the day or while you sleep.
We will guide you through an at-home tooth whitening program that is personalized for your specific needs to insure optimal results. A typical program take 10 to 14 days to complete. Most of our patients see changes after wearing the custom molds for several hours.
Tooth whitening is one of the most exciting, popular, and economical ways to enhance your appearance.
What can be done if I have missing teeth?
The two most popular methods for replacing one or more missing teeth are fixed bridges and dental implants. Open spaces in your mouth caused by missing teeth destroy the continuity of your smile. You probably are not aware that open spaces may cause the surrounding teeth to twist, drift, or distort the way the upper and lower teeth meet when you close your mouth. This change in the natural arch formed by your teeth can cause other problems such as headaches, the need for orthodontic treatment, periodontal disease, and even the removal of surrounding teeth.
Fixed Bridges
Fixed bridges have been utilized for many decades to replace missing teeth, and they continue to be a great choice for many patients. There are many types of fixed bridges today. For replacing a single missing tooth, a bonded bridge is permanently attached to the surrounding natural teeth. The bonded bridges uses a space-age adhesive technology and provides a strong, beautiful, life-like appearance.
For replacing more that one missing tooth, a conventional bridge continues to be a great option. It is constructed of natural looking porcelain fused on top of a strong new material. Using a space-age adhesive technology, a conventional bridge also provides a strong, beautiful, life-like appearance.
What can be done if I have crooked or crowded teeth?
As time passes, teeth may naturally shift their positions. Older adults sometimes discover that some teeth become unpleasantly crooked or crowded. In many cases, porcelain veneers or composite bonding are great alternatives to conventional orthodontics to improve the alignment of teeth and create a beautiful smile.
Crowded and crooked teeth can be quickly transformed into beautiful, straight smile by covering the surfaces with thin pieces of porcelain or composite bonding. In addition to correcting alignment, shape and color can be enhanced.
Porcelain veneers are proven, durable restorations. Their enamel-like appearance is impressive. Porcelain veneers continue to be one of the primary techniques cosmetic dentists use to achieve beautiful, natural appearing smiles.
What can be done if I have chipped, short, or worn teeth?
Teeth wear down as people age. The process can be accelerated if you grind your teeth while you sleep or have any TMJ (jaw joint) problems.
Short, worn teeth can change facial features due to loss of vertical dimension (see Glossary of Terms). This means that your upper and lower teeth have to travel further to touch because they are shorter than before. Loss of vertical dimension makes most people look older and can contribute to future TMJ problems. It can also affect your ability to speak clearly.
Porcelain veneers, composite bonding, and crowns are ideal solutions for restoring teeth to their youthful, natural size, shape, and color that makes you look and feel better.
What can be done if I have dark, unattractive fillings?
Natural, tooth colored fillings are becoming very popular because they blend almost perfectly with your natural teeth. Even dentists often cannot distinguish them from natural teeth! Their strength and durability usually exceed that of common dark metal fillings.
Relatively small areas are restored with a natural colored, composite material in just one office visit.
Larger areas, and sometimes areas that previously contained dark metal fillings may require two office visits. These areas are restored with either a porcelain material or specially fabricated composite material.